Khamul the Easterling Tweet Moderately Played, 1 In stock $8.08 Sell This Product Details Card Type: Hazard Creature Rarity: Rare Card Text: Unique. Nazgul (2nd). May be played as a hazard creature (with one strike) or as a permanent event. As a creature, may also be played keyed to Brown Lands, Heart of Mirkwood, Gorgoroth, and Southern Mirkwood; and may also be played at sites in these regions. If played as a permanent-event, it will remain in play until tapped during the opponent's movement/hazard phase (tapping counts against the hazard limit). When tapped, Khamul the Easterling becomes a short-event and forces opponent to discard one card of his choice for every Nazgul permanent-event in play (including this one). Set: METW