Use Your Legs Tweet Lightly Played, 3 In stock $2.52 Sell This Product Details Card Type: Resource Event Rarity: Rare Card Text: Playable on an Orc minion whose company is attacking a hero company with at least one Hobbit. For each successful strike against a Hobbit, the character is not wounded, but rather placed "off to the side" with this card. Discard if no characters are placed with this card. Make a roll (draw a #) during your end-of-turn phase, If the result is les sthan 7, discard this card. If target Orc is wounded or removed from active play, discard this card. If this card is discarded, the surviving Hobbits immediately form a company at the Orc's current site or new site. Marshalling points are awarded if stored at Barad-dur, and the Hobbits are then eliminated. Set: MEAS